okinawa and the vietnam war
war, reconstruction and the (toxic) ties that bind.
okinawa's first nuclear missile men break silence
USAF missileers speak out about Okinawa's secret bunkers, the Cuban missile crisis... and microwave ovens.
okinawa, nukes and "japan's special psychological problem"
Dean Rusk, PM Ikeda and the bid to nuclear-arm Japan.
the 40th anniversary of okinawa reversion
Japan Times feature looking back over the past four centuries - and forward to 2052.
an american eye on the koza riot
Former MP's photographs shed new light on Okinawa's largest anti-U.S. uprising,
u.s. vet says agent orange buried on okinawa
Front page story for The Japan Times on the alleged burial of dozens of barrels of defoliant in Chatan.
fukushima fallout kids on okinawa
Very short monologue on why I write about Okinawa.
an island of resistance
Japan Times feature story on Iejima - the island that gave birth to the ongoing struggle against U.S. bases.
agent orange on okinawa
U.S. veterans talk for the first time about its use, its impact on their health - and their struggle for justice.
the koza riot remembered
Japan Times investigation shattering the misconceptions about the 1970 anti-American uprising.
beggars' belief
Article for Japan Focus on Shoko Ahagon and the birth of the Okinawan civil rights movement.
beneath the battle of okinawa
Japan Times feature story on Dave Davenport - an American serviceman who dedicated himself to keeping alive the memory of those who lost their lives during the WW2 Typhoon of Steel.
barrier free, border free
Japan Focus story about the artist and disabled rights activist, Hiroko Kimura
the end of summer
Japan Times article covering the lives of a community of working poor based in northern Okinawa.
no night to be alone
The Japan Times runs with a chapter from my novel - a bittersweet coming-of-age tale set in a 1960s base town.
sun, sea and strontium-90
Article investigating the eco-impact of the bases.
one night in koza
The home of Japanese heavy metal still kicks ass...
futenma photo story
There's nobody around to enjoy the festivities at Futenma Air Base's annual open day
vox pops
Talking heads piece on businesses that turn away Japanese and non-Japanese customers.